Pepe vom Leithawald (INT) SZ 2301016 / 09.01.2014 IPO3 / VA (A + SLO + H + CAN + US) / AK (A) / almost normal / normal large, powerful and substantial, very well pigmented, strikingly typ- and expressive, dry and firm. Strong head with a pronounced mask and dark eye, very good withers, firm back, very good length and position of the croup. Very good overall angulations, very good chest proportions, straight front. Pedaling straight, very powerful, space-creating corridors with free passage, strong supplies and very good sublimity. Essence sure, TSB pronounced. V. Expressive, strong breed dog with an excellent appearance. |
Omen vom Radhaus JR 734148 / 08/27/2009 SchH3 IPO3 / VA (BSZS + A) / 1 / Normal / Normal _______________________________ Rieke vom Leithawald (INT) SZ 2232810 / 11/22/2008 IPO3 / V / 1 / Normal / Fast Normal |
Remo vom Fichtenschlag SZ 2208401 / 15.05.2007 SchH3 IPO3 / VA (BSZS) / 1 / Normal / Fast Normal Oprah von Aurelius SZ 2211180 / 10/19/2007 IPO2 / V / 1 / Normal / Normal ____________________________ Yoker vom Leithawald (INT) SZ 2190842 / 23.09.2006 IPO3 / VA (A + H) / 1 / Normal / Normal Ubi vom Leithawald (INT) SZ 2192987 / 06.04.2006 IPO1 / V / * / Fast normal / Normal ) |
Carmita von Aurelius SZ 2181498 / May 16, 2006 SchH1 / V / AK (SK) / Normal / Normal Medium-sized, medium-strong, beautiful head shape, withers should be more pronounced, good length and position of the croup, good fore-quarters, very good hindquarters, good chest proportions , straight front, narrow back, straight front, very good gears. Essence sure, TSB pronounced; lets off. |
Vegas du Haut Mansard LOF 569091 / 16.03.2004 SchH3 / VA (BSZS + E + I) / 1 / Almost normal / Normal _____________________________ Vanny von Aurelius SZ 2136844 / 09.12.2003 SchH1 / SG / 1 / Normal / - |
Pakros d'Ulmental LOI-02 98355 / 04.04.2002 SchH3 IPO3 / VA (BSZS) / 1 / Normal Rangoon du Haut Mansard LOF 527930 / 03.10.2000 Certificate / VA (F) / 1 / a awarded abroad / - _______________________________ Ghandi von Arlett SZ 2031121 / 02.11.1998 SchH3 IPO1 BHP1 / VA (BSZS + A + B) / 1 / Normal / Normal Prisca del Lagorai LOI-99 64675 / 11.09.1998 SchH1 / SG / 1 / a awarded abroad / - |
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Harley and Christine McCombe Pana, IL 62257 217-561-6020 |