Quoran d'Ulmental LOI-12 64314 / 05.03.2012 IPO3 / VA (BSZS + A + I) / AK (D) / Normal / Normal Medium-sized, medium-strong, very good expression, dry and firm. High withers, very good topline and good length and position of the croup, very good angulation of the fore and hindquarters. Correct front, balanced chest, straight back and front, very good stride with very effective supplies and free passage. Safe being, TSB pronounced. V. Typically male with a distinctive character. VI. Suitable for improving the desirable mean size. |
Baru di Croce Santo Spirito LOI-10 80920 / 03.03.2010 SchH2 IPO2 / V / AK (D) / Normal / Normal _____________________________ Clea d'Ulmental LOI-11 2875 / 31.10.2009 SchH1 / V / 1 / Normal / Norma |
Vegas du Haut Mansard LOF 569091 / 16.03.2004 SchH3 / VA (BSZS + E + I) / 1 / Almost normal / Normal Zeta del Murnighello LOI-05 23284 / 08/15/2004 IPO2 / V / * / a awarded abroad / Normal _______________________________ Remo vom Fichtenschlag SZ 2208401 / 15.05.2007 SchH3 IPO3 / VA (BSZS) / 1 / Normal / Fast Normal Venus d'Ulmental LOI-07 79859 / 21.12.2006 SchH1 IPO1 / SG / 1 / Fast normal / Norma |
Uma vom Milesevac JR 739168 / 06/10/2011 IPO1 / V / * / Almost normal / Still approved |
Urbo vom Leithawald (INT) SZ 2231872 / January 17, 2009 IPO3 / VA (A + H) / 1 / Normal / Normal _______________________________ Shana vom Milesevac JR 729069 / 05/28/2007 SchH1 IPO1 / / 1 /ue |
Furbo I degli Achei LOI-07 51437 / 04/11/2006 SchH3 IPO2 / VA (BSZS) / 1 / Normal / Normal Yvi vom Leithawald (INT) SZ 2190844 / 23.09.2006 IPO2 / V / 1 / Normal / Normal _____________________________ Sirio della Real Favorita LOI-05 84766 / 07.02.2005 SchH3 IPO3 / V / 1 / Normal / Still approved Xina from the Fiemereck team SZ 2143670 / December 26, 2003 IPO1 / / * / Normal / Fast Normal |
Please call for more information!
Harley and Christine McCombe Pana, IL 62257 217-561-6020 |